Sales cycle accelerated from days to minutes

Accelerated sales cycle with integrated Salesforce app A company specializing in sales and customer acquisition for Fortune 500 and emerging companies needed to streamline its sales cycle by eliminating manual processes. A standard door-to-door sales call was taking employees upwards of days to complete because their Salesforce customer enrollment app was not integrated with the … Read more

Sales cycle accelerated from days to minutes

Accelerated sales cycle with integrated Salesforce app A company specializing in sales and customer acquisition for Fortune 500 and emerging companies needed to streamline its sales cycle by eliminating manual processes. A standard door-to-door sales call was taking employees upwards of days to complete because their Salesforce customer enrollment app was not integrated with the … Read more

Accelerated acquisition onboarding 93% faster

Onboarding newly acquired companies faster with integration An international warehousing and logistics company, specializing in storing, moving, and preparing food, was looking to grow the business to be the world’s largest cold storage facility. To do this, it began acquiring other storage and logistics companies. The acquisition onboarding process took upwards of a month to … Read more

Automated private equity deal life cycle Increasing deal efficiency and productivity for TPG TPG, one of the largest private equity investment firms in the world, managing over $100 billion worth of investment funds, needed an easy, digital way to manage their investment deals. The company was manually pulling and processing deal data using shared spreadsheets, email chains, and a number … Read more

Reduced funding delivery time by 25%

Providing faster funding and cost savings with automation A corporation within the federal government providing financial support to national film projects needed to automate its highly manual processes for managing funding applications and programs. Funding applications required collaboration between multiple departments and teams, which was difficult as the corporation’s in-house systems were disconnected and siloed, … Read more

Enabled faster and more consistent project delivery

Eliminating project delivery headaches with integration A gas and electric utilities division of a corporation that works closely with landowners, manages agreements for the use of their land for energy infrastructure. The company needed to improve how it stores, accesses, and reports on project information. The company had a document management system in place for … Read more

Accelerated insurance quoting from 48 hours to 10 mins

Automating liability quoting process with API-led integration An insurance company specializing in property and casualty specialty insurance needed to modernize its general liability quoting process to respond to more requests, and turn them around faster. The company receives approximately 8,000 requests for policy quotes each month. Employees were manually compiling quotes, which would take up … Read more

Enabled $100 million in annual cost savings

Modernizing passenger service with API-led integration A major domestic and international airline was striving to be recognized as an international airline of choice for travelers around the world. To do so, it needed to upgrade its 40+ year old Passenger Service System (PSS) to keep up with the modern traveler. The airline’s legacy system lacked … Read more

Enabled fully digital insurance buying

Allowing customers to buy and manage their insurance online aha Insurance’s founder wanted to create an insurance company that allows customers to quote, purchase, and manage their policies entirely online, providing a 100% online insurance experience. Find out how system integration enabled the company to launch as Canada’s first fully-featured online digital insurance broker. You … Read more

Enabled online account openings

Reducing account opening time from days to 5 mins Coast Capital Savings, a member-owned credit union, was looking to expand its operations across Canada. To do so, it needed to modernize its account opening process to meet different requirements across each province. Employees were manually opening new accounts for customers, working through numerous fraud prevention … Read more